How we Work

Attention to detail with every stitch

The Process

Michele seeks out and buys beautiful antique samplers and then takes each stitch and puts it onto a grid. Then a model is stitched using linen and silk matched as close as possible to the original.

The final booklet contains a full coloured chart with both symbol and colour references. There are stitching tutorials for all the stitches in that particular chart and conversion charts for the threads used.

The Products

Our charts are printed in full colour, with both colour and symbol blocks and thread legends for both DMC and Au vers a soie d’Alger silk. For each new release, we stitch a model, using AVAS and Zweigart linen.

All our booklets come, where possible with a fully researched biography and a timeline of the historical events, which were the backdrop to the young stitcher’s life.